Mastering the Art of Beautiful Skin

PRP (platelet rich plasma)

PRP scalp

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a new and exciting therapy for hair thinning and hair loss. PRP utilizes a patient’s own blood which is spun down into red blood cells and plasma. The plasma which is rich in growth factors and proteins that promote healing, is then injected into the patient’s scalp in areas of hairloss and thinning. It takes approximately 3 to 4 treatments every 4 – 6 weeks to see new hair growth. Each patient’s results may vary.

PRP can be combined with oral or topical medications, and the Revian Red LED cap to improve efficacy. It can be used for many different types of hairloss and hair thinning, especially for Androgenetic Alopecia.

PRP is also used in conjunction with microneedling (aka the Vampire Facial as made famous by Kim Kardashian) and is a great treatment for acne scarring, uneven skin tone and texture, large pores, sun damaged skin, blemishes, fine lines and wrinkles and for stimulating collagen production.

To learn more about these procedures, call us to schedule a consultation.